Organizational Culture and Leadership
This is a “fit” thing your best fit counts in the workplace.
Let your loyalty grow with the greater implementation of your organizational values. When you do this it rewards the organization and reinforces the values committing the organization to greater effort.
Check your personal values against the values of your organization to see if it is the source of happiness or disconnection. If the values align and make you happy, you will understand what you need to do to build on that happiness.
If you are disconnected, you can attempt to change the values of your organization or find a place that values what you value.
Build strategies that include your values and find a way to celebrate. Find hero’s of your values and be creative and remember that people like to be personally valued in different ways.
Know what you value you need to determine what you really stand for. The quick approach is to find organizations that do this well and learn from them. Too often we look at resumes and make determinations
based on what the track record of the person was based on their disclosure to you., publish it, display it, and place it in every room of your organization. you get to build on the values you create and hire to those values…
is organizational culture and leadership, and the impact they have on the performance and effectiveness of organizations.
Organizational culture is the behavior of humans within an organization and the meaning that people attach to those behaviors -management and administration act within a culture.†how an organization responds to an internal or external stimulus. Organizational ethics is interdependent with the organizational culture.
(resistance to change in human organizational behavior)
At home we try to raise our children with a sense of values like caring for people, integrity in our deeds and words, contribution to our community, individual safety/security and patience
Roadmap – Organizational Values and Leadership Modeling
As human resource consultants we spend most of our working hours listening to people discuss their work successes and/or challenges. Additionally, as we watch the work places with the most successful reputations, financial growth and stability you start to see patterns …
Be team players
without placing that quality first in the hiring process. Get enough of these folks focused on performance at any cost and you get a very different feel to an organization. Another example is in the way any organization communicates with its people about its business.
Everyone likes it when we recommend solutions and, just to spice it up a little, lets look at it from two directions: the organization and what they can do now and in the future and from the individual perspective. So let’s get to solutions
Contrasting Styles: An organization who values team work will hire for team players and build a team environment. This team environment will embrace people committed to the success of each player on the team who will make sure that all the people have an optimum opportunity to be successful. This is an ongoing commitment to educate, explore with people, live the values. That’s how we do it in our lives at home.
In this environment, if people fall behind, the team will show its commitment and help the individual to catch up and learn from the event.
Organizational Culture and Leadership