Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Images

popular in the world of visual art.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) art created

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Jasper Art allows you to generate images from text using artificial intelligence to interpret the text and create an image that represents it.


Essentially, adding details of your text to picture requirements makes the AI art generator more useful.

examples of text that will be pictures.

  • Bad: Dog in the mountains

  • Good: Red dog play on the top of mountains

  • Bad: Pink sunset

  • Good: Light pink sunset behind the green sea

The maximum size of the description is 300 symbols.

You can’t create the same images from one text description, every time AI will create a new picture from your description.

Individuals can select various image styles, such as fantasy, cartoon, and many others. For the enhance generated image you can add art style to your text description, for example, “red dog play on the top of mountains, cartoon”


Usually, it takes around 10 – 30 seconds to create an image from text. The exact time would depend on the number of generated images simultaneously.

The generated image would have a 512 x 512 size and a PNG format. Moreover, one can upscale the generated image on our website if needing a larger picture.


Diffusion Models (DMs) are a novel alternative to the Generative-adversarial Neural Network (GAN). Since 2020, developers have used it for image upscaling, denoising, and AI text to image. DMs are likelihood-based models meaning the image generator from text creates new pictures based on probabilities.

Essentially, adding Gaussian noise to the current image iteratively helps create the output. Compared to GANs, DMs offer more stability and generate images of better quality. However, we have used latent diffusion models (LDMs) to achieve a higher AI generated art resolution and reduce the computational requirements of pixel-based DMs.

ImageUpscaler based the software on a scientific article by Robin Rombach and Andreas Blattmann from Ludwig Maximilian University in 2022. Our team has designed a text to image AI service which generates images closest to a condition (the input text) while keeping the look of the picture natural.

Moreover, our text to image generator deploys a convolutional neural network (CNN) through the graphics processing unit (GPU) server. Once the server receives the input text, the CNN creates the image, which is then sent to the user.

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